Welcome to the website of RiskEase Ltd (previously Master Solutions Ltd). The main purpose of this site is to enhance the support services we provide to our customers. We’ve provided a number of resources here to help you resolve problems, report bugs, and suggest improvements to our products and service. You can also register a product, place an order or download some of our academic papers on risk analysis and project appraisal.
RiskEase Ltd products are state of the art risk analysis software for windows which include RiskEase and the previously very successful RiskMaster (which has now been superseded and replaced by RiskEase). Here is a selected list of our customers. RiskEase Ltd is a long standing and key strategic partner of Cambridge Resources International who are world experts in economic development, investment appraisal and project finance.
RiskEase Master Edition is the official release tradename of the long-awaited new risk analysis software product which has been re-written to replace the last official release of RiskEase 1.62.
Our total offering includes software, tools for forecasting, an integrated financial model, executive and on-the-job training. You can watch a video of what we are about here Risk Analysis using RiskEase and other demonstration videos here. Or you can download a full presentation here The Assessment of Risk and Return in Capital Investment Decisions.
Note: RiskMaster is superseded by RiskEase and is therefore discontinued. Existing customers of RiskMaster are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version of RiskEase, which is RiskEase Master Edition. You can read more and place an order for the current version of RiskEase from its page at RiskEase Master Edition.

RiskEase: State of the Art Risk Analysis Software
RiskEase is a Microsoft Excel™ add-in program that provides risk analysis to spreadsheet models. RiskEase is useful in dealing with uncertainty in forecasting models or any other quantitative models in which some data values are uncertain. RiskEase can have many applications such as in project appraisal, marketing forecasts, business planning, financial budgeting, project management and in many other fields in which relationships that are based on uncertain variables are modelled and through which probability distributions are devised and used for the key risk variables to reflect the impact of uncertainty on the projected results. RiskEase enables the application of Monte Carlo simulation with ease but without any compromises, thereby facilitating and enhancing the decision-making process.
Savvakis C. Savvides
Savvakis C. Savvides has been a regular member of the Faculty of the Harvard University Program on Investment Appraisal and Management since 1986 and subsequently, after 2001 on the Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis at Queen’s University in Canada.
Author Page at the Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) Electronic Library: Savvakis C Savvides